Charities & Jobs...
Below are our articles on the subject of Charities & Jobs. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Direct Marketing and Fundraising
A variety of forms of direct marketing to help with your fundraising cause....

Full Time Fundraising as a Career
Some of the areas involved in full-time fundraising as a career....

Going it Alone or Joining an Existing Fundraising Movement
Should you create your own fundraising campaign or joining an existing charity?...

Internships and the Charitable Sector: Learning the Law
Many of the country's largest charities rely on interns - but are they legal, and will charities soon have to start paying them?...

My Charity Lost Out to Street Collectors: Case Study
Many charities rely on professional street collectors. But it is important to understand that this form of fundraising has some significant risks....

Obtaining a Job in the Fundraising Sector
This article addresses some of the most important points in finding a job in the fundraising sector and outlines what prospective employers look for in a job applicant....

Professional Development for Fundraisers
This article looks at some of the professional fundraising courses that are available for those in the fundraising sector....

Raise Funds With a Charity Sky Dive
This article outlines some professional charity skydiving companies and different ways to parachute for charity for free....

Recruiting Other Fundraisers and Employing Them
This article looks at the various ways of recruiting a fundraiser for your campaign or charity....