Technology & Finance...
Below are our articles on the subject of Technology & Finance. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Fundraising Without Leaving Your Seat
A few ways to contribute to fundraising without even leaving your seat at home....

New Media Technology and Fundraising
Some of the ways you can use new media technology to increase your fundraising drive....

Seeking a Grant for your Fundraising
This article outlines the essential aspects of grant seeking and proposal writing as well as suggesting some sources of grants for your fundraising....

Tax Effective Giving and Your Organisation
This article looks at a variety of ways that you can donate money in a tax-effective way....

Third Party Fundraising Websites: Are They Worth It?
Third-party fundraising websites can provide a range of valuable services to those trying to raise cash for a charity - but you might be able to complete some of those…...

Top Technology Tips for Boosting Your Fundraising
The efficient use of technology tools like social networking can help you achieve your fundraising goals quicker, and more effectively....

Top Tips for Building a Great Fundraising Website
Fundraising websites are a great way to encourage donations and raise awareness of your cause. But there are several important factors that could determine the success…...

Using Fundraising Databases and Software
This article describes some of the best fundraising software available and what you should ask yourself before purchasing....

What is Gift Aid and How Does it Affect My Fundraising?
This article explains Gift Aid and how it is beneficial to individual fundraisers and charity organisations....

What is Twitter and How Can it Help My Fundraising?
Twitter is an important marketing tool that can help to boost awareness of your cause or charity....