Fundraising Law...
Below are our articles on the subject of Fundraising Law. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Public Liability Insurance: Do I Need It?
Public liability insurance is a good idea for most charity collectors - and for charities generally. Although not a legal necessity it helps to protect you against…...

Street Collecting: What Are the Rules?
A permit or licence is needed if you wish to carry out a street collection. In some areas you may also need a permit if you wish to solicit direct debit donations....

Temporary Event Notices: What Are They & Do I Need One?
Temporary Event Notices must be served if you wish to run an event that involves licensable activities in premises without a suitable existing licence....

The Institute of Fundraising Code of Practice: What it Means
The Institute of Fundraising Codes of Practice provide a framework for best practice that charities and fundraisers should consider adopting....