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Top Places for Fundraising

By: Tracy Whitelaw - Updated: 11 Feb 2015 | comments*Discuss
Fundraising Fundraising Drive Locations

When it comes to fundraising, one of the best ways of being successful is fundraising in the right location. Whether you're collecting for a personal cause or a large charity, try and find a niche location to really support your fundraising drive.

Typical Locations for Fundraising

There are many tried and tested ways of fundraising and most people when it comes to the crunch will utilise a location and way that they're familiar with. Fundraising at local fetes or car boot sales can be one way of setting up an easy fundraising drive. Selling raffle tickets or having a tombola at these places is straightforward and doesn't require too much effort. Another common place for fundraising is in a local school. If you're trying to gather money for a school cause or if you simply want the help of local school children, this can be a great location to try some fundraising. A bake sale, used items stall, game stalls or any combination of these can prove to be very successful for fundraisers as often the children's enthusiasm in getting involved will radiate outwards onto any possible supporters.

One of the most common ways of fundraising is to go door to door collecting. Many people choose this as it means they can cover a wide area and may potentially find supporters that they wouldn't by remaining in a static location. This is probably one of the best and yet worst ways of fundraising. It can be very demoralising when you go door to door and don't manage to obtain any donations. It can also be a safety hazard and should always be considered fully before being undertaken. In saying this, many people find that door to door fundraising brings your cause to the attention of possible supporters easier and also some people have money at home and tend to give you it as they're standing there with you. Remember to do this kind of fundraising, you usually need to have a local authority permit.

Further Locations for Fundraising

When it comes to fundraising, the only limit is really your imagination. There are a number of great ways to fundraise and when you're seeking a fundraising location, try to remain open minded. Using your local pub or restaurant can be an excellent place for fundraising. Getting the support of your landlord or restaurant owner can often lead to a successful fundraising drive. You can also utilise your local church or community centre, perhaps by offering them a percentage of your funds to help with their own needs.

Many businesses or local authorities are happy to support fundraisers, so long as they see the authenticity in what they're doing and if they're happy that you won't be irritating any local inhabitants or patrons. A great way to raise funds is to sell raffle tickets at sporting events or to even sponsor sporting events. You can usually arrange this with the event organiser or if you're feeling adventurous, why not arrange your own event. If that all sounds a little too energetic, why not try some online fundraising. There are a variety of ways to fundraise online and setting up your own website is just one of them. You can also participate in some affiliation sites, donation button schemes or even just email supporters looking for fundraising. Overall, there are a variety of ways that you can raise funds and these are just some of the best places for doing so.

Top Places for Fundraising

  • Local School
  • Fete or Bring and Buy Sale
  • Local Church
  • Door to Door Collecting
  • Local Community Centre
  • Sporting Events
  • Local Businesses
  • Online Fundraising

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@Geo. Sounds very exciting! We really hope the information on this website is useful for you. Good luck.
RaisingFunding - 9-Feb-15 @ 12:27 PM
With a company called world challenge my peers and I are going on a two week expedition to Nepal, where we will be trekking through the Poon Mountains as well as Mount Everest base camp. While there will we be getting involved with the local communities and orphanages to help out.We each have a target of 2,495 to raise to cover the cost of the trip and really need help fund raising!
Geo - 4-Feb-15 @ 4:05 PM
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