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Fundraising for an Individual Cause

By: Tracy Whitelaw - Updated: 25 Aug 2017 | comments*Discuss
Fundraising Individual Cause Sole Trader

If you're planning on raising some cash for a family member, friend or even yourself, there are a number of ways you can do so as well as a number of issues you should consider. Below are some ideas for personal fundraising as well as some of the legal aspects of going it alone for your fundraising campaign.

Look for the Easy Option

Before you start involving yourself in the lengthy process of organising an entire fundraising campaign, you should always make yourself aware of any existing charities, trusts or foundations who may be able to help you first. Many existing organisations have grants or money set aside to help individuals who need it. There are over 200,000 charities in the UK and using a website such as Guidestar will help you search for the one that best suits your needs. This way you don't have to set up anything in your own name and will also have the backing of an organisation that has experience and contacts in their area.

What Organisations can I set up to Raise Funds?

If you're planning to organise a registered charity to raise funds, you must set it up for 'public benefit'. In England and Wales, a registered charity will only be considered if it benefits a 'significant segment of the public' or a 'group'. This means that to register a charity and benefit from the advantages in doing so, you must provide documents showing your intention to provide money for a large group. If you don't want to do this, you can raise funds in other ways. You can set up a private trust which has a named beneficiary to whom the funds you raise will be going. Normally to do this, you need to set up a separate bank account and seeking the help of a lawyer can be worthwhile here to ensure you're abiding by the regulations for governing trusts. You can also set up an 'unincorporated body' where a group a people are working together to raise funds for a communal cause. If you want to make this legal, you can outline a 'Memorandum of Association' that defines your objectives and obligations to your fundraising procedure.

Different Methods of Individual Fundraising

There are a variety of other ways that you can carry out your fundraising appeal. Some of the best methods are those that have been in place for some time such as static collection boxes, door to door collections, raffles, sponsored events and public appeals through publicity. If you plan to run a door to door campaign, it is a good idea to contact your local council to explain the situation first. This covers you for a variety of reasons and also it means they're aware of where you are for issues of safety. You should let the charity that you're collecting for know of your intentions also. They may not be happy with having someone collect on a door to door basis, so run it past them first to check they agree. If you have a collection box to use either in door to door campaigns or static collection box areas, make sure it's securely sealed. Have the name, address and registered number of the charity or beneficiary of the money on it also. This adds to the authenticity and people are generally more willing to give money if they believe the collections for an authentic cause. Always make sure you count the money in the presence of someone else. This keeps you right with the charity and with the bank and saves any mistakes being realised too late in the future. You may also need a licence to collect money in the streets and an ID badge is often required, so please check with your local authority before starting your collection. Stay on the right side of the law and your fundraising can make a huge difference to someone in need.

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Hi I am in the process of setting up a just giving/crowdfunding campaign (I have built a webpage too) to raise the funds I need to fight for the compensation we are due for my late fathers properties in the occupied territory of Cyprus. but getting advice is harder than i expected. I am just wanting to make sure that I am protecting anyone who donates/supports me and their money. (my plan is if we are successful to give them a return too, as I am not just wanting hand outs. that's not me!)butin doing the justgiving/crowdfunding part I also can't afford for this to be seen as an income/savings and have iteffect my own benefits as I am disabled and not able to work due to being a long-term Chronic Cluster headache sufferer. Can anyonepoint me in the direction of anyone who could advise me properly Kindest regards Steve Lysandrou
Steve - 25-Aug-17 @ 3:31 PM
Hi I want to raise funds to help my nieces who have recently lost their mother to cancer and they have financial issues specially the cost of her funeral. Can I do it myself or is there a legal route I have to go down. Regards Liz
Liz - 22-Apr-17 @ 9:35 AM
Hi my cousin and i have set up a group to obtain and fund a building with in doncaster to home our homless and wanting some information on how to set up a bank for fundraising money to go to so pkease coukd you let us know any information regarding this or any help to set it up thank you in advance
Morganslass - 6-Dec-16 @ 9:37 PM
i have a daughter who beat lukemia she is in remission she has alot of other illnesses she has asthma,eplipsey, she has addisons diease and breathing problems she is a warfrin patient she also has 3 life threatening illnesses and to top that someome run into the back of the taxi we was in and paraylised her from chest down i wanted to know if anyone had a bungalow to rent as the house we in cant be adapted and she feels really down and wants to give up on life or can get help to raise funds to rent one so she can have some independance she knows she will alwys need 24hr care but she was doing rehab at the hospital but cause the house is no good we live in it not wheelchair friendly i dont know if i can get any help but i just trying to give my daughter better quality of life and some independance as we dont have a great deal of money so she knows we cant go out just need to a suitable bungalow and depositi have no idea where i can get help hopefully someone will know
emma - 19-May-16 @ 10:39 PM
Hi, I started a fundraiser for a girls summer camp that had a fire. The fire destroyed several cabins and they need to rebuild ASAP as opening day is a few weeks away. I went through Give forward which I see advertised on the sidebars of your site. The instructions were to set up the account with my personal bank account which I did. Now I am hearing I might have some sticky areas with taxes or the IRS? It seems I should have opened a separate bank account just for the fundraising funds but they never suggested that I do that. The camp is a small family owned business that was already suffering a bit financially even before the fire. It is however a for profit business. The fundraiser has raised a little over $75,000 in one week! What do I need to know or do to protect myself from any possible sticky legal situations?Thanks!
kateithink - 23-May-15 @ 11:44 AM
@KarlaBrown. The simplest and easiest approach is to do this with the backing of a charity. To do otherwise you'd need to register yourself, ensure you had public liability insurance etc. Here are two charities that cover kind of thing: Whizz Kidz andVariety Club Wheelchairs.
RaisingFunding - 20-Apr-15 @ 11:41 AM
My nephew Riley brown has severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy and I am wanting to put a show on to raise money for a new wheelchair for him. I was just wondering legaly what route to go down as he means the world to me and my family and he desperately needs a wheelchair so he. Can start as much of an independent life as possible.
Karlabrown - 17-Apr-15 @ 5:49 PM
Hi, I would like to start raising funds for a pony for disabled children to ride. The stables have a few ponies and desperately need a new one so they can accommodate more riders. Do you know of a charity that we could raise through or would help/ Thank you
ljd - 5-Mar-15 @ 6:25 PM
@Mike. The best way is to contact a charity that undertakes this kind fo thing. They'll give youthe support you need and you can undertake any individual or group events. You can set up a page via that charity or on justgiving. Just be sure to let them know that you want the funds you raise to be used towards one of your friend's wish list items.
RaisingFunding - 23-Jan-15 @ 12:03 PM
Hi Guys, A friend of mine as stage 4 cancer and I would like to raise some funds to help complete one of the events on his wish list. What is the best way of raising funds for an individual like my friend? Many thanks, Mike
Mike - 21-Jan-15 @ 12:11 PM
@AnnieV. Unfortunately, you would need to access help via the NHS first.
RaisingFunding - 9-Dec-14 @ 12:31 PM
I am looking for funding to help my daughter who has suffered an eating disorder and associated acute depression and anxiety with suicidal tendenciesfor 20 years.She needs inpatient treatment at the Priory where she will receive intensive therapy but we do not have the means to fund this unless we can get NHS funding. Please do you have any advice for me. Thank yoy
Anniev - 8-Dec-14 @ 10:17 PM
A local boy with cerebral palsy needs a new wheel chair which costs £2000. The parents can not afford this and I want to raise the money for him. How do i do this as its not a registered charity its just a local cause?
nwilson79 - 5-Jan-13 @ 2:38 PM
I am blind my left eye,i am very und ucated i do primary level only and i am 30 years, i did not have any qualification for any job,and i am very,very poor,I didn't work for many years.I dont even kn ow if I can live a better life,i don't want to die like that.Have mercy on me,I am ask for your help Financial help to start my own project,so that i can live a norma l life.I dont want to steal,I want to work with my own hands.i don't have enough food to eati,my wife and my 8 months baby boy,my mother and my 5 young sisters.I ask help to many people but they just leave me like that in my poverty, some live me at the point of break through,i have badluck.I HOPE AND I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIS THAT YOU ARE MY WAY OUT OF THIS SITUATION,have mercy on me.I just ask you by the grace of God to help me with financail to out of this situation to start my own project and food to eat for my 8 months baby boy,my wife,my mother and my 5 young sisters.I live in Zimbabwe, Africa
Ch - 5-Aug-12 @ 3:32 AM
well i was woundering what do you have to do to raise for a skate park. im from kilkenny and am doing a fundraising for it. just what do you need for it. thanks
ed - 1-Oct-11 @ 12:24 AM
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