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School Fund Raising and Getting Everyone Involved

By: Tracy Whitelaw - Updated: 26 Jan 2015 | comments*Discuss
School Fundraising Raising Money For A

Kids love to take part in fundraising and many schools have recognised that a great way of getting new products and items that may be needed for the school. Many schools will actively engage their pupils in fundraising on a regular basis for computers, sports equipment and more that isn't covered by local or national government grants. Getting kids involved isn't that difficult, especially if they realise that they're going to be the ones who ultimately benefit from any funds raised. Even parents are usually keen to take part if the fundraising is inclusive enough, so being adventurous and thinking of fun ideas is a great way to start off raising money

Know the rules of School Fundraising

If you're going to arrange a school fundraising event you have to ensure that you're following the guiding principles and legal aspects of organising an event in a school. You must always get adult permission for any children up to the age of 16 if they're going to be taking part. You should also ensure that the staff who are dealing with the events are trained and supervised beforehand and have a full understanding of who is in charge. Preferably you should give any possible supporter of any of the children in the school a chance to determine their own level of support. What this means is that they may opt to keep their kid out of the events, but offer a donation instead. As with normal fundraising, you may be required to obtain a permit for whichever type of event you're holding. Street collections (flag days) require permits from your local council and normally they include a provision that collectors should be at least 16 years of age. Also, if there's house to house collections involved, you also need a licence for this. Each child must also carry a certificate of authority and a collector's badge. This must be signed by each collector to verify their identity.

School Fundraising Ideas Inside School

There are a variety of inventive ways to raise funds in school that can include staff, pupils and even parents. One of the most fun ways to raise funds is to hold a school disco. Staff and pupils can get involved in arranging the disco and in decorating the school hall. Charging a ticket fee in order to get in is one of the easiest ways to raise money quickly. You can also sell food, drinks, sweets, hot dogs etc at a reasonable price. Kids will always want to buy food at social events like this so if you can get them at cost and sell them on, then you'll make some extra much needed cash. You can even sell some fun disco items like silly string, glow sticks and other LED products. Be prepared for the clean up though! Other great ideas are an art show where the kids charge parents and other supporters entry to their art gallery for the evening. Selling drinks and food here is also a great way to make some extra cash and the children get to see how their art is appreciated by others. It's a great way to build confidence and pride in their abilities also, which is always a great feeling. Kids always love the opportunity to dress down at school and if they normally have to wear a uniform, they will love the idea of having a dress down day. Get each kid to donate a set fee and they can come to school dressed in any outfit they like. If you want to get further donations, you can allow the kids to colour their hair or partake in some other wild event. As always, obtain parental permission before allowing children to take part in anything they may not approve of.

School Fundraising Outside School

If you're planning on holding an event outside of a school to raise money for a school, again check with local authorities. Great events to hold are BBQ's and these are particularly good to get parents involved with and staff of course. Also, to raise extra funds, you can get kids to sell raffle tickets or bring in some unwanted items from home to sell to other children. If you're feeling more energetic, you could get everyone involved in a sponsored run or bike ride. For those who prefer to watch rather than exert energy, an outdoor cinema or theatre production that involves all the school pupils usually sells great with adults. Ultimately, there are numerous events you can hold to get kids involved in raising money for their school and the best thing to do is ask for their input. Sometimes they'll come up with ideas that are close to their heart and really get them involved.

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