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Great Fund Raising Ideas for Kids

By: Tracy Whitelaw - Updated: 19 Mar 2013 | comments*Discuss
Fundraising With Kids Kids Fundraising

One of the most fun ways of raising funds for certain causes is to get kids involved with it. Children love the prospect of making items that other people want to buy and in doing so knowing they're helping out others that are less fortunate than themselves. If you're trying to get some extra money for a local community play area, social group or even for a school, getting the kids involved will not only be fun for them, but will put a real face to your cause. People love to see those who are going to benefit from the fundraising being involved, so let's take a look at some easy and interesting ways kids can help your fundraising appeal.

Kids Love to Get Messy

If kids can have fun whilst fundraising you'll get a lot more effort from them! Arrange some out of the ordinary things for them, particularly those that involve making fun of adults! One great event that always raises money is throwing wet sponges at a target - normally a brave adult volunteer! You can make this even more messy and fun by adding some coloured gelatine and throwing slime at them. Kids love getting their hands stuck into sticky gooey substances as well, so try some inventive cooking ideas like cookie dough, cake baking or even sculpting small things to sell.

Letting kids make their own chocolates for sale at a fete or getting them to make fairy floss is another sure fire way to keep them interested and sell plenty. For most kids, so long as they're able to feel like they're playing whilst raising funds, they'll stay interested for longer. Many kids will offer car washing services as a way of earning extra pocket money, so why not turn this into a fundraising event? Get the children to paint large car wash signs and this is another creative way of getting them involved. If you don't want the children themselves in too much mess, what about hiring a face painter to start painting the kids faces? Each child's parent could pay a small fee to have their children's face painted. Similarly, you could get someone who does temporary tattoos to give these to the kids for a fee. It all adds up and it's surprising how much money there is to be made in mess!

Letting Children Create Products for Fundraising

When kids aren't getting messy, they're usually using their imagination to create what to them are pieces of art. Using this to help with your fundraising is a great way of keeping the energy and motivation going. You could have them creating a variety of different pins and badges and then selling them for profit. You can buy badge making kits very cheaply and by creating their own designs, they can be used to also promote your cause. Another fun way of getting kids involved is to get them to count out sweets and keep a note of how many they count. Then put them in a big jar and get people to guess how many are in it. Whoever gets the closest will win the sweets and each time they take a turn, they're charged a small fee that goes towards your fundraising effort. You can also get your kids to make their own play-dough in different colours and sell it on to other children. This is fun for them and lets them create in the making process as well as the design process. Another great idea is a 'wacky races' setup where the children either have to dress themselves up, or decorate a bike/scooter/skates and race with those. If there are some brave adults out there to take part also, this adds to the excitement for the kids and usually increases donation money!

Tried and Tested Fundraising Idea for Kids

If you're really stuck for ideas then there are always the traditional ways of fundraising with children. One of the best is a sponsored silence. Try and see if the children can last an entire day without saying a word. Similar to this is the sponsored fasting. Make sure the kids have lots of water available, but no food for a certain period of time. Traditional fundraising like this can be very rewarding as many people like the idea of simply donating towards a cause. Other classic fundraising activities include bagging groceries up in a local supermarket, sponsored fun-runs and team sports. There are no shortage of both old and new ways of making money when it comes to having children involved. Remember, they're usually far more keen to participate than adults and have far less social hang-ups. This means you can get them involved in a variety of areas and hopefully boost your fundraising appeal!

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Thanks for sharing all of this. We started a charity program at our school 2 years ago and we've done so many bazaars, 2nd hand sales and baking sales, people are getting a bit bored.
Nancy - 17-Sep-12 @ 8:21 AM
I think that this is a really good website, but as a suggestion, can you add anA-Z of fundraising ideas , I think that it will help get people more motivated. Other than this, I think that this is a brilliant website and I am sure that it will help me get my Kids more involved with my fundraising experiances.
Lulu - 26-Jun-12 @ 6:44 PM
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