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How to Get Corporate Sponsorship for Fundraising

By: Tracy Whitelaw - Updated: 19 Aug 2020 | comments*Discuss
Fundraising Sponsorship Corporate

When it comes to getting corporate sponsorship, it comes down to many of the same essential aspects as with obtaining sponsorship from non-corporate avenues. The most fundamental part of your fundraising should always be that you're collecting money for a cause you truly believe in. If regular people in a non-corporate environment see your passion for your cause, corporate sponsors will also see this. You will be more convincing if you know everything you can about your aims and your charity, so knowledge is key.

Researching the Right Company to Approach

If you're given the task of approaching companies for sponsorship on behalf of your charity it can be a very daunting task. Asking even one individual to help when it comes to fundraising can be traumatic enough for some individuals, so asking a large company can be fraught with personal challenges as well as professional challenges. One of the best ways of making a successful attempt at obtaining corporate sponsorship is to make sure that you research possible prospects first. There is no point in approaching a company who may hold a very different political belief from the charity you're seeking to help. Some companies may already be involved in sponsoring other charities and won't take too kindly to being asked to sponsor yet another.- spend time doing your research. There is plenty of information found online and most companies will publicly advertise the charities they help. It is a positive publicity move for them to be affiliated with a charity so check their websites and publications before adding them to your list of possible sponsors. There are a variety of useful sources to help you in your search for a corporate sponsor:

  • Hollis Sponsorship Guide
  • Directory of Social Change
  • Business in the Community
  • The Giving List

Approaching Companies for Corporate Sponsorship

When you've decided on a company that you wish to approach for help, you need to know the crucial elements in making 'the pitch'. The key can be as simple as knowing your facts and figures. Understand your charity well, be prepared for any kind of questioning and always have an idea of what kind of contribution you're looking for from a corporation. Organising some of the main achievements of your charity and also listing some of the other large companies who have been involved in corporate sponsorship with you is always a good inclusion to have in your meeting with a corporation you're trying to woo. If you can present them with a portfolio and be enthusiastic and explain what benefits they will receive from being affiliated with your charity, most companies who can afford to take part will at least be willing to listen. There are a variety of ways that companies will take part in sponsoring your fundraising:

  • Cash
  • Gifts
  • Staff Time
  • Advertising
  • Matched Giving

You may approach companies to sponsor you on any of the grounds mentioned above and don't be afraid to ask for cash if that's what you seek. There were 495 companies in the DSC Guide to Corporate Giving in 2007/08 and they donated around 367 million in cash between them. The money is there to be given if you can find the right company. When it comes to corporate sponsorship, act quickly. If you've done your research then arrange a meeting with your chosen company as soon as possible. If you don't make a point of getting in there first, someone will beat you to it. If you manage to get the sponsorship you require, arrange who will deal with the account management and make sure you have the correct legal documents you require.

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I need a help I have empty land I want a help any house to live with my family I appreciate it I need help please
Mamynas - 5-Aug-20 @ 2:45 AM
Looking for help We are a team of 6 guys from the north east of scotland and we plan to raise money for the ms society. We are planing a bike ride along route 66... you have read this correct we plan to tackle the 2600 mile on push bikes in ade of this great charity while we fund raise to raise the money for the charity we are looking for a corporate sponsor to help us out we expect a lot of media attention for this event so could be good advertisement for a company to help out.
the 66 - 13-Jan-20 @ 8:04 PM
Hello, I need some advice i am climbing Kilimanjaro next year and need to fund raise £5,000 I have set up just giving but haven’t had much luck with it and the companies I have approached have said they don’t do corporate sponsorship. I am running out of ideas to raise that amount of money. Any advice would be great. Thank you in advance
Vicky - 29-Sep-19 @ 9:13 PM
My daughtergroup has been chasing to go to Florida to kix outback bowl and I'm trying to raise all the money I can to get her there, I've done fundraisers,and taking donations to get her to Florida, I need all the help I can get and I'm out of ideas, so if somebody could help her out I'd appreciate it, she is with the Barbour county stutters of philippi, wv
Steph - 11-Jul-19 @ 7:34 PM
Hi am organising an ista dads charity football match on 28/09/2019 in aid of SAMH and CALM and just been let down with kits and would be very grateful if anyone can point me in the right direction for some kind will or sponsorship
darren - 20-Jun-19 @ 2:56 PM
Hello, I am currently raising money for my 12 year old daughterDanielle who Auditioned with her Dance company to go to L.A 2020, and was successful. Her target is £1500 , we have managed to raise £500 by her making various gifts, and selling sweet cones, cake sales. Danielle currently trains over 30 hours a week with her 11 different styles of dance, whilst doing this still maintaining a very high level academically. Danielle has experienced a lot of bullying from various people over the years because of her pure dedication and her passion. I am asking for help as I really want Danielle to attend this trip as it is a once in a life time opportunity. And my money only goes so far. Many thanks
Rach - 6-May-19 @ 7:27 PM
Hi all, I am trying to raise £5000 to hold a summer networking brunch. This event will allow young entrepreneurs or those thinking of starting a business or looking for a venture mix and understand the business professional sector. There is a huge misdiagnosis of mental health and depression in young people in the uk. According to gov.uk 75% of mental illnesses start before a child reaches their 18th birthday, while 50% of mental health problems in adult life (excluding dementia) take root before the age of 15. It is evident that there is a need to support young people and young adults and this event will be fun allow guests to mix with public figures and hear testimonies and even get support from start up companies. In order for this sophisticated event to be a success a £5000 fee for venue and services attending needs to be raised. I aim on holding this event in the summer and would be extremely grateful any help I could get to support this event. I am also looking for sponsors and volunteers to help put this event on so please do get in touch if this maybe of interest to you. Many Thanks Coco x
Coco - 21-Mar-19 @ 2:00 AM
Hi - this summer after I've taken my GCSES I shall be travelling to Peru with Camps International - so far I've managed to raise £2000 approximately myself, but I still have a way to go and am looking for sponsors to help me achieve my goal. I have an amazing fundraising event in April lined up where I will be taking part in a tandem parachute jump with members of the REME Parachute Display Team. Whilst in Peru I will be supporting local communities and wildlife conservation projects being an ambassador for the future - please if you could help it would be kindly appreciated.
Molly - 7-Feb-19 @ 10:06 PM
Hi I’m a 14 year old boy raising money to fund a trip to Equador with camps international where we will be undertaking many challenges to make the lives better for the communities, wildlife and marine life I will be doing various fundraising activities throughout the year to reach my target by June 2020 I would be extremely grateful for any company that would sponsor me in return for advertisement, your logo will go on my fundraising t shirt and all my fundraising posters , leaflets ect . Many thanks for taking the time to read this I leant in anticipation for your reply’s , Owen
Owen - 30-Jan-19 @ 7:09 AM
Hi all. I am organising a charity event for the mental health charity Mind to be held in October. It is a business networking event and the proceeds of sale from the tickets will go to Mind. I need to find corporate sponsers for the event. Any donations ranging from £500 up to £2000 would be much appreciated.
Rosh - 14-Mar-18 @ 2:50 PM
WEST EDINBURGH MAJORETTES E mail..janemacdonald7@msn com Please can any business sectors Reply by e mail if you feel that you could help our dance troupe continue there excellence through dancing. With thanks and hope x
Jane - 21-Dec-17 @ 10:13 PM
WEST EDINBURGH MAJORETTES Are a non profitable dance troupe who have beendancing for 6 years and have achieved great results with baton dance twirl, military freestyle and pom dancing. We akso do solosand duos, this has changed the life's of so many of our DANCERS, we desperately require a sponsor for 2018 please could any business sectors help with my request? We would recommend that if we are lucky enough to be heard, I promise that a y comps y would be I voted to come a d watch for themselves how hard we work by raising money to help towards uniforms and coaches to travel twice yearly, please give us the support we most truly would appreciate and we recommend that a sponsor should be able to see West Edinburgh MAJORETTES perform. Please help us continue with a much needed sponsorer. Thank you Jane x
Jane - 21-Dec-17 @ 9:52 PM
Leo needs a sponsor who likes performing arts.
Leo15 - 8-Aug-17 @ 11:41 PM
My son needs help with funding and kit for dance college and rent.Hes 16 and getsno help from government to help with Accomodation and kit .He is going to only just be 16 and will hopefully find a small job to help.But has no experience yet as he's 16 end of August .Kit will be over 300 a year especially dance shoes.We will do utmost to get as much as we can work.
LEO1 - 8-Aug-17 @ 11:40 PM
Hi Iam isaac mutalaza from uganda calling any one how can help us in funding the helpless in uganda this inclouds the pregnant womaen,children and homeless Thanks contact me on 0757181332
wintercloud - 25-May-17 @ 1:28 PM
Hello My name is Darren and I am arranging a cycle tour from Glasgow to Paris in order to raise funds for Children 1st charity. Children 1st are Scotlands National children's charity and help families to put make children the main priority through advice and support, and in worse situations help victims of abuse , neglect or any other traumatic experiences in childhood. I will undertake the event on my own with a support vehicle and we require £2000 in order to make this happen. The money will cover fuel costs , van hire , accommodationover the 7 day event. I aim to raise around £10000 for charity and have great support from my employer and previous employer both of whom consistently help to raise money for various charities so I am confident that I will exceed this goal. In exchange for sponsorship I will be promoting companies in all of our literature which alone will be seen across 7 call centres in the U.K. With over 8000 staff members. I'm currently working on a press release for the event which will be published in cycling weekly and again any company will be given coverage in here. On top of this Global Cycling Network have agreed to help promote the event through YouTube with over 1 million viewers.
Daz - 24-May-17 @ 11:10 PM
Hi there, I am a grandmother (single) raising my 6 year old grandson through a special guardianship order. ..I am looking for someone /people to sponsor him as I have been told he has loads of potential as a dancer/singer/actor .He lives for dancing and would love for him to have his bestchance in life to fulfill his dreams in a stage school. Lot to ask for I know?? . He didn't have the best start in life and has issues in which have been rectified. I feel this would benefit him for his future. Many thanks for reading ..Karen.x
Lolo - 24-Apr-17 @ 2:51 PM
I am looking for £2.000 to go towards buying my dance troupe new uniforms for our up and coming compitition Sep/October 2017 we have a troupe of around 40 kids from ages 3 and above, WEST EDINBURGH MAJORETTES Have been running for six years now and in that time we have gained through hard fundraising a troupe to be round of, we traine 3x a week, if anyone is interested in there kindness to donate or sponsor WEM I would love to here from them Regards Jane Macdonald Fundraiser co founder.
Jane - 16-Apr-17 @ 8:04 PM
Hi everyone i am a man who like to help others even though I'm poor, I'm asking for anything from food to clothes to help some orphans who aresuffering I've got 46 childrens which I've removed them from the streets I'm teaching them some dancing to keep them busy so my challenge is that i don't have anything to provide them with, please any good Samaritan who can help with anything is welcome
Duma - 22-Aug-16 @ 11:14 AM
Hello, I have numbers kids (60kids)that need help, many passed through my hands finished school but the young ones I have now need help and I cannot afford to feed,clothes educate, keep them at my place because am renting, standard of living in Uganda, Africa is so difficult nowdays, I would really appreciate all the help am given.God bless you,BARCLAYS BANK.NABACHWA RUTH BRENDA, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6003463654. KAMPALA UGANDA.
Thebah - 13-Mar-16 @ 10:07 PM
Hi, I am a student nurse working 37.5hrs a week with essays to write in between. Despite this I am also passionate about training with the International Rescue Corps. for which I've only been training with for 5 months (training is one weekend a month as all members have full-time jobs), however despite it being a non-profit charity it costs them £15k to put new recruits through training and so I have set myself up to actively fundraise towards my training and desperately required rescue supplies. The Corps specialises in man made and natural disasters such as building collapse due to explosion or earthquake and flood rescue. It was founded three decades ago but has struggled to receive adequate, regular funding to support our services, therefore, disabling us from being able to offer our specialist expert equipment and experience to those in need when one disaster happens soon after another. After recently being voted in my fellow members as deputy fundraising officer I am determined to get a sponsor for regular income, although having never done this before I'm not sure where to start? Thanks.
Lauren - 14-Jan-16 @ 12:00 AM
Hi everyone am a young man from Swaziland am writing a (PDF) book ICT based and Cyber-crime is the them, I am raising awareness to the entire society may any fellow help me on advises, mobility,and financial.
soxsky - 1-Dec-15 @ 1:20 PM
Hello I wish you are fine .I d like to know friendly if youcan provide me with a nicemoneydonationto make me start a lucrativeproject.I d be too grateful if you agree so that I can send you my contact details .thx a lot waiting for your answer PLEASE THINK THAT YOU CAN MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE SOTHAT LET IT COME TRUE LET IT COME TRUE THAT WILL BE TOO AMAZING DEAR
Moez Mekni - 14-Nov-15 @ 10:24 PM
Hi im a miss teenafrica finalist, and i have called all the local and corporate companies i could think of and i really really need sponsorship to fund my charity events, can you give me some advice/ help??
Bonita - 2-Nov-15 @ 1:26 PM
Hi I'm building and organizing the mumbai biggest danceevent call Star night Were ill need some sponors for the same...... I request to the top multi international brand like Bajaj,wipro,vodafone,pepsi company to sponsor for my event This event previous got starred by....famous bollywood actor and actress bhaman irani, ravina tandan.....and by some daily soup actress/actor And the famous choregrapher Ganesh achraya / Remo dsouza But this star night Were are getting with biggest bang bang personality Hritik roshan As guest at the event...... So i kindly request to the sponsers Kindly...help the event get bright as the stars All international school and students will be participating in this event as well the small kids If any one interested kindly call me on my no..... Daina Taygi.. 98 70 033229 Chair man Star dance and fitness
daina - 10-Oct-15 @ 2:12 PM
Hi I'm building and organizing the mumbai biggest danceevent call Star night Were ill need some sponors for the same...... I request to the top multi international brand like Bajaj,wipro,vodafone,pepsi company to sponsor for my event This event previous got starred by....famous bollywood actor and actress bhaman irani, ravina tandan.....and by some daily soup actress/actor And the famous choregrapher Ganesh achraya / Remo dsouza But this star night Were are getting with biggest bang bang personality Hritik roshan As guest at the event...... So i kindly request to the sponsers Kindly...help the event get bright as the stars All international school and students will be participating in this event as well the small kids If any one interested kindly call me on my no..... Daina Taygi.. +91 9870033229 Chair man Star dance and fitness
diana - 10-Oct-15 @ 2:11 PM
His i am a Zimbabwean citizen being a christian im am looking for someone who wishes to help me with 2500$ to start my piggery project i bought building material we have a plot and a bolehole but we are short with few material this money will be refunded and the project is likely to employ 20people thank you
none - 2-Oct-15 @ 4:35 PM
Hi,am a kenyan citizen aged 23. Am enthusiastic about starting and managing my own business. I am looking forward to raising $4,000 dollars as my capital. Your contribution will be highly appreciated. MPESA LINE:0705 681489 BANK A/C : 1430161149282, EQUITY BANK. CONTACT LINE: +254731393152
Prosper - 1-Oct-15 @ 5:13 AM
Kei - Your Question:
Hello everyone I am in Lesotho and in need of funding for a mini supermarket in the countryside. There is no competition at all because existing shops are those of chiness which sell goods which have long passed their expiry dates and customers are fed up but they have no other options.

Our Response:
Unfortunately we only have information relating to the UK, so cannot help, but wish you luck with your venture.
RaisingFunding - 3-Sep-15 @ 10:39 AM
hello everyone i am in Lesotho and in need of funding for a mini supermarket in the countryside. There is no competition at all because existing shops are those of chiness which sell goods which have long passed their expiry dates and customers are fed up but they have no other options.
Kei - 2-Sep-15 @ 2:46 PM
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